Every podcast should have a website. Here’s why. This is your home base for all your marketing. Now with that said, the question is, what are the options for creating a website, and what is the cost to do so? With all the tools that are available, it’s confusing when choosing the right tools. Luckily they are cost-effective tools you can use to create your website.
Self -Hosted vs A website Building Software
First up you have to understand the categories available to create a website for your podcast. So one is the self-hosted and the other, a dedicated website building platform.
Self-hosted solutions allow you to download a content management system for you to install on your web hosting server. You then choose a theme that matches the look and feel of what you want for your site. you customize your site from there. This option gives you more control over your site. You manage the backend, and if something goes wrong you have to fix it. Of course, the hosting company’s support staff will be there to help you.
The option of the Website Building platform is where companies offer you a full website hosted on their system for a monthly fee. You have access to modify the look of your site. They handle all the technicalities of the management of the website. they also give you a drag and drop solution for you to customise the site.
How it works is that you sign up for an account, similar to what you do on social media, and you pay the fee and start customizing your site. This can be done in a few simple steps. You add a custom domain name and you’re done. What you have to do next, is add content.
Self-hosting options
Now that you have an idea about the different website creation tool, what’s next? If you decide to go with a self-hosting option there are multiple content management systems available. Hee is a few to look to:
Out of all 4 WordPress is the most popular with over 30 per cent of the web powered by this platform. It has a large community and support system so you will find help for WordPress very quickly. You can find thousands of themes online both free and paid with lots of tools to customize the look and feel of your website. With premium themes, you will get additional design options. You will also need to find a web host for your site.
Website Building Software options
If you decide to go with the platform options there are multiple choices to work with:
These solutions are equally popular with different price points. Squarespace and wordpress.com are at the top of the list. They offer drog and drop solutions. THis is so in the case of Squarespace. Weebly and Wix. If you choose a theme and add the content from there. You pay a subscription and you have nothing else to worry about, other than managing the content.