Something to think about Podcast

What the bible says about common questions.

4 reasons why speaking the truth in love is important

Something to think about
Something to think about
4 reasons why speaking the truth in love is important

In part four of our series we look at several reasons why speaking the truth …

4 things that will help you speak difficult things to others

Something to think about
Something to think about
4 things that will help you speak difficult things to others

How much do you understand about the words you use to say difficult things? In …

5 mindsets that will help you have a peaceful conversation

Something to think about
Something to think about
5 mindsets that will help you have a peaceful conversation

Sometimes our mindsets and belief systems can affect how we interact with others especially when …

3 things that will help you have peaceful conversations with others

Something to think about
Something to think about
3 things that will help you have peaceful conversations with others

If you’ve ever had conversations with others that end in conflict this episode will show …

4 Mindsets that will help you have a peaceful relationship

Something to think about
Something to think about
4 Mindsets that will help you have a peaceful relationship

This week we continue our series on peace and explore the mindsets needed to ensure …

4 ways the bible defines peace and why it how it affects you

Something to think about
Something to think about
4 ways the bible defines peace and why it how it affects you

This week we take a look at 4 ways the bible defines peace and how …