Something to think about Podcast

What the bible says about common questions.

3 things that will help you have peaceful conversations with others

Something to think about
Something to think about
3 things that will help you have peaceful conversations with others

If you’ve ever had conversations with others that end in conflict this episode will show …

4 Mindsets that will help you have a peaceful relationship

Something to think about
Something to think about
4 Mindsets that will help you have a peaceful relationship

This week we continue our series on peace and explore the mindsets needed to ensure …

4 ways the bible defines peace and why it how it affects you

Something to think about
Something to think about
4 ways the bible defines peace and why it how it affects you

This week we take a look at 4 ways the bible defines peace and how …

Using your unique gifts on the job

Something to think about
Something to think about
Using your unique gifts on the job

Today we conclude our look on purpose discovery and our conversation with Anjuii James Sawyers. …

Why its important to write your purpose down

Something to think about
Something to think about
Why its important to write your purpose down

This week our special guest Anjuii James Sawyers explains to us the importance of writing …

3 common mistakes people make when searching for their purpose

Something to think about
Something to think about
3 common mistakes people make when searching for their purpose

This week we continue our conversation with Anjuii James Sawyers about discovering your purpose. She …

5 questions to ask when discovering your purpose

Something to think about
Something to think about
5 questions to ask when discovering your purpose

This week we start a new series on purpose discovery with our special guest Anjuii …