3 things that any culture offers

When you enter a new environment several things may be pulling at your attention as you settling in. Do you know what they are? Find the answers in this week’s episode as we continue our look at culture.

What you need to know about cultures

This month we start a new series talking about cultures. This week we explore the answers to the question how the bible defines cultures. Whether it is the culture at your workplace, at home or in your community we explore the answers.

3 things that binds companions together

This week we share 3 things that binds all relationships together. This is the last episode in our companionship series.

Then the LORD became angry with Moses and asked, “What about your brother Aaron the Levite? I know he can speak well. He’s already on his way to meet you, and he will be very glad to see you. You will speak to him and tell him what to say. I will help both of you speak, and I will teach you both what to do. Exo 4:14-15 GW

  1. Faithfulness
  2. Love
  3. Agreement

Because of how the law companionship works:

  1. Be careful who you choose to partner with
  2. Be careful who you become friends with
  3. Make sure you and the person have the same objective

Not everyone is right for you and not everyone is compatible with what you are doing.

5 things you need to know about relationships

This week we take a look at 5 things you need to know about relationships. This is part 3 of our 4 part series on companionship.

Companionship is a union that :

  1. Has authority (mar 6:7)
  2. Is called to do specific work (acts 13:2)
  3. Can be dissolved (acts 15:39)
  4. Interdependent ( 1 cor 12: 18 – 21)
  5. Set apart for a purpose

Core Scripture:

Two people are better than one because together they have a good reward for their hard work.

Ecc 4:9 GW

3 reasons why having the right friends matter

This is part 2 or our series looking on companionship where we explore 3 reasons why having the right friends matter. Our core scripture remains Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two people are better than one.

In this episode we explore issues with:

  1. Loneliness
  2. Having support

What is Companionship

This video is number one of a four part series looking at what the bible says about companionship. This video looks at the biblical definition of companionship.