What people like to talk about

In this week’s episode, we explore several things people like to talk about as well as what will enable you to have good conversations with others.

What to listen for when conversing with other people

Have you ever had a conversation with someone, and they talked endlessly about something and were expecting you to do something, and they never said it? Or Your boss tells you to do something and then afterward left scratching your head as to what to do? This week I explored five things to listen for when conversing with others, so you know how to respond appropriately.

5 Reasons why people don’t listen to others

Have you ever been in a situation where you are sharing something with other people, and they don’t seem to get what you are saying? Or are they listening but not understanding what’s being said? Well, this week I will share five reasons why people don’t listen to others.

4 things that can help you become a good listener

Being a good listener can help us win business, grow our relationships and even resolve conflicts. But there is an art to becoming a good listener and there are 4 principles that can help you become a good listener. We explore that in detail this week,

Our core scripture is from James 1:19 be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry.

4 reasons why speaking the truth in love is important

In part four of our series we look at several reasons why speaking the truth in love is important to preserving your relationships with others.

Core scripture for this series

Eph 4:15 GW Instead, as we lovingly speak the truth, we will grow up completely in our relationship to Christ, who is the head.

Key points this week:

  1. To become like minded
  2. To heal the relationship
  3. To ensure the relationship is fruitful
  4. Help the relationship grow

4 things that will help you speak difficult things to others

How much do you understand about the words you use to say difficult things? In part 3 of our speaking the truth in love series we explore the language pattern that will help you achieve a peaceful outcome.

Core scripture for this series

Eph 4:15 GW Instead, as we lovingly speak the truth, we will grow up completely in our relationship to Christ, who is the head.

Key points this week:

  1. Speak honestly
  2. To to build others
  3. Compassionate
  4. Kind

5 mindsets that will help you have a peaceful conversation

Sometimes our mindsets and belief systems can affect how we interact with others especially when we have to share something that is difficult to say. This week in part two of our series we explore 5 mindsets that can help you say difficult things in a loving way.

Core scripture for this series

Eph 4:15 GW Instead, as we lovingly speak the truth, we will grow up completely in our relationship to Christ, who is the head.

Key points this week:

  1. Don’t make fun
  2. Have sincere thoughts
  3. Look to identify and meet the needs of the person
  4. Never accuse people

6 things that can help you have a peaceful conversation with others

Have you ever been told something by someone and it hurt you to the core? or have you told someone something and they respond in a negative way? This is something that happens regularly in our daily interactions with other. And this month we start a new series about speaking the truth in love.

Core scripture for this series

Eph 4:15 GW Instead, as we lovingly speak the truth, we will grow up completely in our relationship to Christ, who is the head.

Key points this week:

  1. What you say must be correct and fair
  2. Don’t use tricks to get peoples attention
  3. Don’t twist what you say
  4. Clearly reveal the truth
  5. Don’t lie
  6. Seek to make peace