How can i find a job that aligns with my purpose

Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life is a popular quote that speaks to finding a job that makes you come alive. That’s the focus for this week as we continue our purpose discovery series. Our core scripture is Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 2:15.

How does my lifestyle affects my purpose

A large part of discovering purpose is how do you intend to live your life. In this podcast episode we explore what this means and how it affects the bigger picture of discovering your purpose. This is part two of the purpose discovery series. Our core scripture is Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 2:15.

How to discover your true purpose on earth

At some point everyone ask the question what is my purpose in life? this podcast episode looks at this question in this new purpose discovery series. Our core scripture is Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 2:15.

How to pray during difficulty

When you’re in difficulty it is easy to get distracted and forget about God totally. It’s understandable, but why does this happen and what should you do about it. We explore this question in this week’s episode.

Staying sober in difficult times

All Christian you made the decision to do things differently at conversion. Each believer has full access to the weapons or tools to handle simple and complex problems. Over time the believer is expected to fight smarter and win victories without much effort. Patient optimistic action makes the believer sober. We look at this issue on this week’s episode.

What distracts people from doing what the right thing

Distractions can prevent us from dealing with important issues that we face on a regular basis. It can cripple us as well as damage our careers and families in the process. How does the bible define these distractions and what happens when we don’t move on? We answer that question on this week’s episode.

What is spiritual authority

God has given us dominion over all the earth. Jesus also told us that he has given us authority over everything so that when we use his name things will happen. What does that mean? we take a closer look at this question on this week’s podcast.

What is a covenant

All commitments in the bible are governed by covenants. How does it work what does the bible say about it we explore this in this weeks episode.