How to determine what to do in any situation

Making decisions can be hard with the relevant information. But there comes a point when you have to make up your mind and decide what are you going to do in a given situation. We explore how to make those decisions on this week’s episode.

Ecc 2:3 I explored ways to make myself feel better by drinking wine. I also explored ways to do some foolish things. During all that time, wisdom continued to control my mind. I was able to determine whether this was good for mortals to do during their brief lives under heaven.

Ecc 7:18 It’s good to hold on to the one and not let go of the other, because the one who fears God will be able to avoid both extremes.

How to study to find out how to respond in any situation?

There is a right way and a wrong way to operate in any situation. Each response will bring different consequences good or bad. Knowing the result of each will help you make better decisions. How you find out is by studying the word to explore the situation.

Ecc 1:13 With all my heart I used wisdom to study and explore everything done under heaven. Mortals are weighed down with a terrible burden that God has placed on them.

How to make effective plans

Every activity in a person’s life must be planned for. Each activity must be given time to be done. This will ensure that your life is orderly and your days have peace. We explore that topic on this week’s episode.

I thought to myself, “God will judge righteous people as well as wicked people, because there is a specific time for every activity and every work that is done.” (Ecc 3:17 GW)

I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD. They are plans for peace and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope. (Jer 29:11 GW)

How do you know when to change your plans

Shifting course is one of the most important things in life. Changing how you operate or your mindset is vital to this process. A key component is knowing the right time to shift and where you need to go. Putting the necessary measures in place will help you reap the benefits of the shift. We explore

Mat 16:2-3 He responded to them, “In the evening you say that the weather will be fine because the sky is red. (3) And in the morning you say that there will be a storm today because the sky is red and overcast. You can forecast the weather by judging the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.

Foundation of biblical time management

In order for people to be effective, they need to place a time on every activity. Once that is done they must act appropriately during that time. Acting appropriately means you will know how to deal with whatever situation comes. It also means you’ll have a clear idea of what is to be done when. We explore this topic this week on the podcast.

(Ecc 8:5) Whoever obeys his commands will avoid trouble. The mind of a wise person will know the right time and the right way to act.

(Ecc 8:6) There is a right time and a right way to act in every situation. Yet, a terrible human tragedy hangs over people.

5 keys to an effective prayer life Part 2: Making your request known to God

Have you ever wonder why you can’t have piece of mind especially when you encounter a negative situation? That has to do with how we respond. some persons complain about the situation to friends, family members or even to God and never experience the beauty of prayer. Thank is asking God for help to resolve whatever the issue is at the time. We explore why in this week’s episode.