The secret to sustaining a relationship

How do you keep your relationships alive? How do you ensure that you adding something to a relationship? We explore these questions in this week’s episode.

Love Don’t wish bad on people

How do you react when something bad happens to someone who caused you pain? Do you rejoice or are you concerned? What does the bible say about it? We discuss that in this week’s episode.

Love like it never happen

Have you ever been hurt or had a negative experience that lives in your memory for years ? In this episode we talk about those sitatuons and how to over come it.

Love isnt Selfish

Selfishness can destroy relationships and cause conflict. So what does bible say bout selfish behavior? we explore this question on this week’s podcast.

Love isnt Rude

Rude behavior can cause embarrassment and destroys a persons character. This episode we explore what the bible says about rude behavior and how to approach conflict in a way that builds the relationship instead of destroying it.