Control the distribution

There is a popular saying that content is king. But I know alot of great content creators who are still trying to get the word out about their work.

They are even some that are highly dependent on others to do the distribution for them. This puts a restriction on what gets out and how often things can go out.

An example of this was in 2020 Tye Tribbett wanted to release a song. His label has reservations. He went on a rant on the internet about the issue.

I don’t know all the details except what I saw but my concern was this was a known headlining gospel artist that had little control of how his music is put out.

Compare that with Lacrae who has his own label. Even though he was signed to a major label for awhile he controls his distribution of his music.

Another example is Jamaican artist. They create lots of music but have little to no access to an audience. They have fans but they don’t control the method to reach them.

Think about it, you write and record a song. Shoot a video or whatever and then try to get other people to send it out for you. Part of that is what is known as influencer marketing.

Some try to get interviews on various platforms. Others get someone else to get the word out entirely.

What if there is a way that you can reach your audience directly. People who know you and want to here from you? Well you can. Build an audience for yourself and talk to them directly.

Seth Godin wrote about a concept called permission marketing. Which is simply get permission to contact someone who is interested in what you are doing.

The simplest way is email. The other is social media following. But the goal is to create a method to reach your fans directly that you control.

Though you may use other methods. Make sure you build an asset that you control.

Tyler perry built his empire organically collecting emails from persons who visited his plays.

Work at building that audience and overtime you will be in a position to expand your reach.

How I stop procrastination

Lack of ideas can kill creativity. The next close thing is procrastination.

This whole idea of do it later, I have more than enough time to finish can lead to mad dash to complete critical projects.

This situation has caught me several times. I remember working on a project got the main parts done only to finish it up. What happened was I put it off for a few days and ended up have to rush to finish it.

Here are some tips that helped me tackle procrastination.

  1. Do it now: if something needs to get done dot it now. For example you need to set an appointment to speak to a client instead of putting it off make the call now.
  2. Write down your ideas: another example you have a writing project and have a few ideas write them down as you get it. Outline it as best as you can. Flesh it out as you get the ideas. When you sit down to write you already did most of the work.
  3. Keep an idea journal: if you love to read keep track of quotes that inspire you. Photographers have a look book with shots, poses and composition to draw from. Some marketers have a swipe file with ideas to help them start a project.
  4. Start before you are ready: doing things ahead of time can help youove quickly. Have a project due 2 months from now complete it ahead of time. Do things in bulk and schedule them. Write more than you need. Take more photos than needed. Put plans in place before you need them.

In all cases don’t put it off for later. Get it done now. You may never get around to doing it.

How to stop procrastination

There’s a popular Jamaican saying that says delay is danger.

The true meaning of that saying comes alive when you are working on a project and the deadline is fast approaching and you have not started.

Its not that you mean to but other things have caught your attention or starting maybe difficult.

I know this situation all too well and have found 4 things that help me overcome procrastination.

1. Do it now

If something needs to get done do it now.

For example, you need to set an appointment to speak to a client instead of putting it off do it now.

2. write ideas as they come

Another example, if you have a writing project and have a few ideas write them down as you get it.

Leaving it until later is dangerous because you may not remember what it is.

Outline it and flesh it out now. Whe you ready to sit down to right you already did most of the work.

3. Keep a journal

If you love to read keep track of quotes that inspire you. Similarly, keep photographs you like the look of, shots that inspire you and compositions.

If you are a designer you can keep a swipe file of flyers and other designs you like. They can give you ideas for starting projects.

4. Start before you are ready

Doing things before you need them can help you move quickly.

Have a project due in 2 months start it out. Finish it before it’s needed so that if any changes need to be made it can be done before it ships.

Do things in bulk and schedule them out. Write more than needed. Take more photos than necessary and put plans in place before you have a need for them.

In all cases don’t put things off for later get it done now. You may never get around to it.

How consumers choose products and services and why you should care

The internet has changed how consumers buy goods and services. People don’t go to a physical location right away then buy what they want. They go to amazon, eBay, google to find options to solve their problem. Whether it is to buy a new phone, clothes or search for service providers. They go through a process before making a decision. What is this process and how does it affect your online marketing efforts?

Consumers conduct research before they buy anything

The first part of the consumer buying process is the research phase. This is where they go to search google, to learn more about a problem they have. This could be anything, back pain, a need to buy a new TV, repair a broken phone, food recipes, anything. These are common problems consumers have that they will go to google to research options. When they start their research, they are at a point of wanting to solve their problem and want a solution to solve it. 

When they are at this point two things happen,  they either ask a friend or google recommendations. this affects your marketing by you being apart of the conversation. By doing this you are “ top of mind” hence inline to be chosen as the solution. 

Your online presence may take the form of posting articles on your blog, doing a podcast episode, youtube channel or content on your social media pages addressing the issues your potential customers have. 

Customers Compare solutions before making a decision

The next step in the process once they found a solution during the research phase, is to narrow down the options found. This is where everything about the various offers is looked at and examined in detail. This answers the question of what will they get, and how much will it cost.

Your job as a business owner during this stage is to prove the value of your offer to the consumer. Sometimes people will buy from you based on trust. They know that you do good work, and make their decision on that alone. The price will never be an issue for them as long as you prove your value. That’s the beauty of putting out regular content, through your various online channels to answer their questions. This builds trust with the consumer which makes their buying decision easier. 

CustomersMakes a decision to buy when…

At this final stage of the buying cycle, customers narrow down the choices to one. This is where they click and select the add to cart button on amazon or your website and makes a purchase. If your business doesn’t sell products online this is where they book an appointment. All the helpful content you put out online will play a key role in getting them to that stage. 

As was mentioned earlier these decisions are made when they trust you and your solution. In addition to that, your offer has to be irresistible to push the consumer to pull the trigger. This can be done by adding extra items as an incentive to increase the value of your offer, at a price they think is a bargain. 

You see, understanding how consumers buy makes it easier for you to create content, to market your business. In the end, it will make it easier for them to buy.

How to find ideas for your podcast

When looking to start a podcast, one of the most overwhelming feeling is, how can I find enough ideas for my new show. While putting together ideas sometimes you get a spark, other times nothing. This can lead you to abandon starting a podcast altogether. I know the feeling because I use to get panic attacks at work trying to find ideas for the radio features I produce. Not a nice feeling, worse when you have a deadline. 

Luckily after some searches and queries, I found a way that helped me generate hundreds of ideas that can help you get over the starting phase of your new podcast. All you need is a notepad and a pen. 

Write a list of the problems your customers have.

This is something I found in “Duct tape selling” a book by John Jantsch. What this does is give you a platform to start mapping out all the problems you help your customers with. Aim for at least 10 if you have more, then great. These will serve as a good starting point. 

As a daily practice, write at least 10 ideas you can use on your show. This includes guest to interview and so on. Don’t filter the list just write them down, you can organise them later. I got this idea from James Alchuters book,” choose yourself.” This one helped me greatly.

Search Quora for frequently asked questions 

Another resource for ideas is quora. Based on your industry, visit quora and search for frequently asked questions and add them to your list. These will be valuable later when you’re crafting actual episodes. 

To do this visit quora and sign in to your account. If you don’t have one create one. The next thing is to find the category with your topic and find the frequently asked questions. Browse the topics and not the questions and their variations in your notebook.

By now you should have dozens of ideas for your show, but I have one more resource for you to check. 

Facebook groups and forums

In the one-hour content plan, Meera Kothand says searching facebook groups and forums are a great source for ideas. And you can use them to your advantage. To do this, log on to Facebook and search for groups relating to your topic. 

Once you find the groups, join them and search the group with the word “newbie,” ” beginner” or “getting started”. These will give you more ideas to add to your list. The good thing about doing this is that you are finding questions that real people are asking.

Other places to search are forums, twitter search and google keyword tool. This will give you lots of ideas for your new podcast. 


Once you have your list of ideas,  it’s now time to format your episodes and start to record your podcast. 

What are some of the ways you use to generate content ideas? Leave a comment below.