There is a popular saying that content is king. But I know alot of great content creators who are still trying to get the word out about their work.
They are even some that are highly dependent on others to do the distribution for them. This puts a restriction on what gets out and how often things can go out.
An example of this was in 2020 Tye Tribbett wanted to release a song. His label has reservations. He went on a rant on the internet about the issue.
I don’t know all the details except what I saw but my concern was this was a known headlining gospel artist that had little control of how his music is put out.
Compare that with Lacrae who has his own label. Even though he was signed to a major label for awhile he controls his distribution of his music.
Another example is Jamaican artist. They create lots of music but have little to no access to an audience. They have fans but they don’t control the method to reach them.
Think about it, you write and record a song. Shoot a video or whatever and then try to get other people to send it out for you. Part of that is what is known as influencer marketing.
Some try to get interviews on various platforms. Others get someone else to get the word out entirely.
What if there is a way that you can reach your audience directly. People who know you and want to here from you? Well you can. Build an audience for yourself and talk to them directly.
Seth Godin wrote about a concept called permission marketing. Which is simply get permission to contact someone who is interested in what you are doing.
The simplest way is email. The other is social media following. But the goal is to create a method to reach your fans directly that you control.
Though you may use other methods. Make sure you build an asset that you control.
Tyler perry built his empire organically collecting emails from persons who visited his plays.
Work at building that audience and overtime you will be in a position to expand your reach.